Sunday, December 5, 2010

We Haven't Forgotten Minnesota

We were lucky to be able to spend some time with my sister Sarah and her family, before heading to Ortonville for Thanksgiving. Madeline is almost 3 and Grace is eight months, andwe had a blast playing together. We colored, read books, played pretend and with stuffed animals as much as we could. We're lucky to have such wonderful nieces. Sarah and John let us take over heir kitchen when we visit so Philip and I got to cook as much as we wanted. It was really great spendig time with them. 

Next we were off to Ortonville to stay with my Mom and Dad. Grama is 94 and her five kids and most of the grandkids - and even five great-grandkids - were able to spend the holiday together. We missed those who weren't there. The weather in Minnesota cooperated and it was in the 20s - balmy, for that time of the year! We also got to see lots of my Dad's family for coffee and rolls. It was a great time to relax and catch up with family.

The time flew by and we had to head to the airport. My Aunt Sal was able to come with us to catch a flight as well, so we got to spend some more time with her. We all met my college roommate out for dinner that night at an Indian restaurant nearby. Kristin and I haveknown each other for 20 years, so it was great to catch up with her.

Then we hopped on a plane, and 32 hours later found ourselves in Johannesburg.    

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