Saturday, December 11, 2010

Getting Up at 3:30 a.m. ...

Bites!  I'm not going to lie!  Or we're wimps. Grumpiness and lack of sleep aside Philip and I are finding the reserve absolutely beautiful.  It is super hilly, the vegetation is varied from hill to hill, our "monitor" Michelle one of the hardest working people I've ever met and has an answer for every question we throw at her, and there are a lot of them.  If is amazing to be out with the animals every day.  It is pretty awesome to be able to learn the sounds wild dog puppies make when they beg for food (high pitched YIP YIP YIP YIP YiP YIP), see giraffe around the camp and scope for eyeballs reflecting back at you (Impala?  Warthog?  Lion?) as you head toward your room for the night.  So maybe we are wimps but were pretty happy wimps!

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