Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goodbye, Africa

We had one more surprise on our final drive before we left the park in the afternoon. We were lucky enough to have it just be Philip and me with Michelle. The weather was perfect, and we were soaking in the atmosphere of the park, enjoying every minute of it. On other drives they had seen the big male lion who is really special for his big black mane. I was dying to see him. Along the drive, I spotted the head of a female lion, and on pulling off the road, we discovered that she was lounging - with the male! There aren't that many lions with black manes, as they come from a specific part of Africa, and man, was he majestic! They didn't care about us at all, so we snapped pictures and just watched them for at least a half hour. As we've discovered, lions mostly just lie around during the day, and that's exactly what these two were doing. She was snoozing, he was gazing royally into the distance, looking like the king of the jungle.

After our fabulous two weeks on Thanda (which, incidentally, is pronounced "Tanda"), we decided to treat ourselves to a fancy hotel near the airport with an awesome hot shower, a huge white bed, and no gecko poops. We watched a movie, ordered in room service burgers with a fresh salad, and enjoyed being, you know, clean.

What a honeymoon! A week in the wetland park with crocs and hippos, two weeks with lions and rhino, and a night to unwind.

Lion and Lioness
 I am ... Royalty


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