Friday, August 24, 2012

Ella's updates:
Ella aged 7 1/2 months

Mama and Daddy's girl

Little Princess

Beautiful baby girl

I love the butterfly museum!

Taking a break from watching the gold fish

Oooh! Butterfly! I think...

...can I grab it?!

I'm so happy I could ... wrinkle my nose! Yay!

Everything is fascinating

Daddy rides!

Daddy, how come we're dancing here with the butterflies?!

I like to see the world from the safety of Mama's arms

Hanging out with Mama is great...

... Hanging out with Daddy is great too ...

... But best of all is hanging out with Mama and Daddy!

Our beautiful baby daughter, Ella

Friday, August 10, 2012

Our Days

Ella's updates:

Clap clap clap!

Come here you!

Still love my balloons

Kate and Joey join us for a walk at Ross Creek

A walk in the trees

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ella's updates:

First I watch how it's done

Then I play a duet with Daddy

Swim time!

My juggling act

Rockin' my new pyjamas

Bed time stories

I told Mama a joke and it was FUNNY

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Where Dreams Really do Come True

At the Homestead - Dome Hills Station

A room with a view

From the living room

Dressed and ready

On our way

Because every cowgirl needs pink boots

New friend

Tiger Woods

No fear

Taking it all in



What's over there?

Miss Lydia

I know how this goes!

You hold on here, right Mama?

Yep, I knew it

Have boots, ready to ride

Checking out the gear

Look at me!

Pretty cute, aren't I?

What are you all doing down there?

Giving a pat
On our way

Up with Mama


Daddy time

Look at her go!

My turn.  MY TURN!

Day two with Lydia

Our playground for two days

No description necessary

Daddy's favourite time

How we felt at Dome Hills Station

Daddy made me playdough

Making a pancake

I love my flying games

Our little rock star

Up, up and away

Sliding with Daddy

Big smiles

Family time in Naseby